薬剤 DRUG & Substance


  • Serotonin; Tryptophan
  • GABA; Glutamic acid
  • Histamine; Histidine
  • Dopamine, Epinephrine, NE; Tyrosine


  • Dopamine; homovanillic acid (HVA)
  • Norepinephrine; vanillylmandelic acid (VMA), 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylgycol (MHPG)
  • Serotonin; 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA)


精神安定剤 Mood stabilizer

リチウム Lithium

尿崩症、腎障害、PTH亢進症、甲状腺機能低下症、認知機能低下、震え、消化器症状、便秘を起こしうる。心奇形のリスク(septal defects, Ebstein’s anomaly)。あるが、頻度は絶対的に多いものではないため、必要があればリスク承知で投与する場合もあり。

リチウム濃度を上げる薬剤としてNSAIDs, ACE阻害薬/ARB, サイアザイド、テトラサイクリン、メトロニダゾールがある。



抗けいれん薬 Anticonvulsant


Valproate, carbamazepineには胎児の神経堤形成不全のリスクあり。(lamotrineに切り替える)。valprotateは肝障害のリスクあり。

抗不安薬 Antianxiety agents


In pregnancy BZ is generally regarded as contradue to floppy breathing muscle. (ex;, SHORT=Triazolam, Midazoram, oxazepam, INTERMEDIATE=alprazolam, lorazepam, Temazepam, LONG=diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, Flurazepam)

Benzodiazepine; activate GABA receptor and decrease neuronal and muscle cell firing, risk of dependence. flumazenil is BZ antagonist


NonBZ;Buspiroine(no risk of dependence and withdrawal) for generalized anxiety disorder, Zolpidem, Zaleplon, Eszopiclone, Ramelteon is for insomnia. (Rozerem) is melatonin agonist

ベンゾジアゼピン離脱症 Benzodiazepine withdrawal

insomnia, anxiety, psychosis, seizure(Alpazolam;short acting benzo) 


Glucocorticoid-induced psycosis

cognitively intact


cause confusionand hallucinationby anticholinergicproperties

禁煙 Smoking cessation

まずは行動療法およびニコチンの補充療法の併用が第一選択。バレニクリン valenicline=ニコチンレセプターアゴニスト (CVDリスクの高い患者には不可、現在不安定な精神疾患がある場合は不可),ブプロピオン bupropion (痙攣疾患、摂食障害がある場合は禁忌。体重減少作用あり。)


禁酒 Alcohol cessation

離脱症状に対してはchlordiazepoxide (IV long-acting and low addictive BZ)を用いる。naloxone, naltrexone(mu-opioid antagonist, block the rewarding=アルコールの渇望を減らす)acamprosate, topiramate (glutamate modulator), Disulfiram (inhibit acetaldehyde breakup) はモチベーションが高く、服薬が管理できる状況の人に用いる。

アルコール使用障害 Alcohol use disorder

hyperarousalwhen alcohol level decrease and awaking during night.

アルコール乱用のスクリーニングはCAGEもしくはSingle Item Screening(昨年の間に、一日に5(女性は4)単位以上の飲酒をしたのは何回ですか?)=1回以上で陽性。



カフェイン中毒 caffeine intoxication

over 400mg per day

抗精神病薬 Antipsychotic

1st generation (Dopamine 2 receptor block), 

  • Low-potency=Chlorpromazine, Thioridazine. 副作用:histamine, cholinergic, α-1 adrenergic blockade, weight gain
  • High-potency=fluphenazine, haloperidol, 副作用:錐体外路症状(acute dystonia, akathisia, parkinsonism)、遅発性ジスキネジア

2nd (D2R block and Serotonin block), ziprasidone

D2 receptor blocking by antipsycotic; cause hyperprolactinemia, infertility in 1st generation, risperidone. quetiapine and aripirazole is less likely.

Quetiapine=D2 antagonist and serotonin (2A) antagonist

Mesolimbic pathway:antipsychotic efficacy

Nigrostriatal pathway:extrapyramidal symptom, dystonia, akathisia, parkinsonism→benztropine(anticholine)

Tuberoinfundibular pathway;hyperprolactinemia

metabolic side effect

olanzapine, clozapine, risperidone, Quetiapine,

safe=aripiprazole (最も安全な抗精神病薬),

ziprasidone (risk of QT prolongation)

Neuroleptic malignant synd (NMS)

 Dopamine decrease. BT, CPK↑, confusion, rigidity, sweating, Tx=supportive or Bromocriptine,amantadine(dopaminergic), Dantrolene(direct acting muscle relaxant), if refectory

Malignant hyperthermia

anesthesia related

Retinal pigmentation; by low potency antipshyco=thioridazine


椎体外路症状 Extrapyramidal symptom

ドーパミン作動薬にて。急性ジストニアとして、首の斜頸 torticollis、静坐不能 akathisia、パーキンソニズム

Acute dystonia


治療=抗コリン薬 (Benztropine, Diphenhydramine)

静座不能 Akathisia

数週間以内に発症。第1世代の薬剤に多い。落ち着かない、じっとしている事ができない状態。用量依存性のため、診断をつけ、治療薬を投与することが重要。治療=βブロッカー、Lorazepam, Benztropine (aniticholinergic)


tremor, rigidity, festinating gait加速歩行, hypokinetic gait,

治療=Benztropineもしくは amantadine

*D suppress Choline activity. So anticholine increase dopamine activity.

遅発性ジスキネジア Tardive dykinesia

abnormal voluntary movement (lip smacking).


治療はValbenazine (monoamine transporter 2 inhibitor), Deutetrabenazine

カタトニア Catatonia

精神疾患患者に生じうる不動化、無言、混迷、反復言語等の状態。動かし初めが硬いwaxy flexibility

治療=ベンゾジアゼピン (lorazepam challenge), 電気けいれん療法

抗うつ薬 Antidepressant:

SSRI and SNRI; no anticholinergic effect, SNRI is more quick effect.

SSRI:sexual dysfunction is most common (早漏治療としても用いられる) Fluoxetine(for child. BW loss effect、不眠、落ち着かなさのリスク)paroxetine(妊娠中も安全。また母乳移行もほぼ無い)Sertraline (母乳移行はほぼない), Citalopram(不眠症の治療効果もある)Ecsitalopram(不眠のリスクは少ない), Fluvoxamine

SNRI:Venlafaxine,Desvenlafaxine, Duloxetine (Dose response SE of HTN)can cause sexual SE.

NDRI: Bupropion (stimulating effect、不眠、落ち着かなさのリスクあり。)、摂食障害および痙攣既往には禁忌。 good for depressed/smoking/over eating patients、SSRIに認められるような性機能障害はない。

Other: Mirtazapine(sedating, alpha2 receptor antagonist, new anti-depressantリフレックス), Trazodone (sedating effect. cause persistent erection),Amoxapine (antiD effect), Vortioxetine

Tricyclic Agents; block reuptake of NE and serotonin at the synapse. haveanticholinergic effectby blocking muscarinic receptor (dry mouth, urine retention, constipation, glaucoma contraindication), Histamine receptor also blocked(weight gain, sedation). peripheral alpha-1 adrenergic receptor (orthostatic hypotension),cardiac fast Na channel (QT prolongation(, tremor, sexual dysfunction is also risk. Protriptylineis least sedating

MAO inhibitor

シナプス前細胞でのモノアミンの分解(モノアミン オキシダーゼ)を阻害する事で、セロトニンの作用を高める。不可逆的に酵素と結合するために、セロトニン症候群を防ぐ目的で、SSRIへ切り替え時は2週間の休薬が必要になる。(フルオキセチンの場合は5週間必要)。phenelzine, risk of hypertensive crisis, =cheese effect(tyramine causes it)

antidepressant discontinuation syndrome

nausea, headache, fatigue, dizziness, no delirium, BT normal. restart SSRI. common in short-acting drug like paroxetine

セロトニン症候群 Serotonin syndrome

Serotonin (5-HT) increase. 過量服用もしくは薬剤の相互作用による。 SSRI+MAOI(phenelzine, Linezolid),SSRI+serotonergic pain medication (tramadol), or +cough suppressant (dextromethorphan).


治療=セロトニン作動薬のすべて中止、保存的治療、軽快なければセロトニンアンタゴニストのCyproheptadine(first generation antiHT)

Hypertensive crisis;NE increase. MAOI+tyramine in food or MAOI+stimulant (pseudoephedrine). may cause seizure and chest pain





suicidal ideation;confidentiality can be broken, pt should be hospitalized with or without agreement

Suicide evaluation;ideation, intent, plan. only ideationrequires outpatient intensive therapy.


Defense mechanism; 

immature repression抑圧(unconsciously burying feelings) is the basic mechanisms in all of immature response

acting out; anxiety is expressed as a action


Passive aggression;indirect expression of anger

displacement;transferring feelings to safe object

intellectualization知性化;focusing on nonemotional aspects to avoid distressing feelings

passive aggression

projection; attributing one’s own feeling to someone else.

rationalization;justifying behavior to avoid difficult truths

reaction formation; transforming unacceptable emotion to oppositeaction


splitting: judge people good or bad

undoing取消; believing that one can reverse past bad event by doing something now. seen in OCD



suppression; intentionally putting aside



Autism spectrum disorder; 1% occurrence. Boy>Girl, can be diagnose at age 2. Deficit in social communication and interactions. restricted range of interest and repetitive behavioral patterns. may with language and intellectual impairment.severity (level1=support, level2, level 3=very substantial support), early diagnosis and therapy is effective. Tx=multimodal treatment with drug 

Rett syndrome; only in girls. X-linked MECP2 gene. at 6-18months. regression of growth(speech, hand movement), seizure. hand-writing movement. gait abnormality. caused by X-rinked MECP2 gene.

selective mutism無言症;>1m consistent failure to talk, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, SSRI

注意欠陥・多動性障害 ADHD

boy>girl, 6か月以上続く症状。12歳までに症状が出現し、少なくとも2箇所以上の場所で症状が報告される。 3分の1−2の確率で成人期までADHD症状が継続すると報告されており、未治療で放置した場合は、就学困難、就職困難、反社会的行動、薬剤依存、交通事故のリスクがある。

治療=behavioral therapy(とくに3−5歳の子供には第一選択。), drug(stimulants=methylphenidate(risk of decreased appetite, BW loss, insomnia)=開始前には心疾患の除外を行う。 non stimulants=Atomexetine, for pts with history of drug abuse), chronic status and no abrupt change 

Tourett syndrome

尾状核におけるドーパミンの制御障害。6−15歳の男児に多い。1年以上にわたり、複数の運動性のチックとボーカルチック(咳、くしゃみ、咳払い)を両方伴うADHDや obsessive-compulsive disorderのリスクあり

治療=認知行動療法であるhabit reversal trainingが最も効果的α2 adrenergic receptor agonist (clonidine, guanfacine)、抗精神病薬(haloperidol, risperidone)、Tetrabenazine

Chronic tic syndrome


一年以下の場合はProvisional Tic Disorderと呼ばれるが、通常数週間から数ヶ月で自然軽快する。

Social difficulties in the family

mother and father problem. defiant in the family

stranger anxiety

 6-9m <2y, distinguish family from the unfamiliar

separation anxiety

 18-24m when separated from the primary caregiver. can have physical symptoms. can be risk of agoraphobia in adulthood. Tx=gradual decrease of parent’s attendance at school

reactive attachment disorder

after neglect, lack of social responsiveness, lack of positive emotions

neonatal abstinence syndrome


imaginary friends

 3-6 y.o. normal and help development

language disorder

in 5-10% children. persistent difficulty in comprehension and production of language

Specific learning disability

after language disorder. diagnosed by standardized achievement test

心理療法 Psychotherapy

Psychoanalysis;such as analysis of transference reaction, interpretation of dreams, free association. good for <40y, intelligent and not psychotic, good relationship with others, stable life situation, have time and money. usually 4-5 times/week for 3-4 years.

Behavioral therapy; person’s history and unconscious conflicts are irrelevant and not examined.

認知行動療法 Cognitive behavioral therapy; depression, generalized anxiety, PTSD, panic, 強迫性障害 OCD, Eating, Negative thought patterns

Dialectical behavioral therapy; borderline personality disorder

Biofeedback; operant conditioning. patients are given physiologic information to control disease. for HTN, Raynauds’s disease, migraine, pain disorder

Token Economy; desirable behavior is reinforced by a reward

Flooding and Implosion; to manage phobias, expose to the object at an overwhelming dose.

Aversive conditioning; to manage paraphilias, maladaptive behavior will be associated with aversive stimulus

Systematic Desensitization; Reciprocal inhibition. to manage phobias, to make the object associated with relaxing stimulus

Group therapy; group with therapists or leaderless group (12 steps group for narcotics/overeaters/alchoholics anonymous)

Family therapy;identify dyad二者関係, triangles, mutual accommodation, normalizing boundaries.

interpersonal psychotherapy;depression

supportive psychotherapy;psychotic disorder, patients in crisis

psychodynamic psychotherapy;higher functioning, personality disorder

motivational interviewing; substance abuse


不安障害 Anxiety disorder, 

Fear=normal reaction to a danger, Anxiety=fright to unknown source of danger

Neurotransmitter=norepinephrine, serotonin, g-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Brain; locus ceruleus (NE), raphe nucles (serotonin), caudate nucleus (OCD), temporal and frontal cortex

Organic; caffeine, hyperT, VitB12 deficiency, hypo/hyperGlu, arrhythmia, anemia, pulmonary, phechromocytoma

Generalized anxiety disorder; chronic multiple worries >6m, GI symptom is common, SSRI(escitalopram) or SNRI,but not bupropion, Benzo is 2nd choice b/o dependency, buspironeis nonbenzodiazepine and for long-term maintenance.

Panic disorder; strong genetic component, sodium lactate or CO2 induce attack. unexpected, spontaneous panic attacks (SOB, chest pain, fear, derealization), may develop agoraphobia, Tx=SSRI/SNRI, Benzo for immediate, cognitive-behavioral therapy is first line

Social anxiety disorder (social phobia);SSRI or SNRI, CBT

specific phobia;cognitive behavioral therapy (exposure therapy)

強迫性障害 Obsessive-compulsive disorder

尾状核の異常に関連する。強迫観念、強迫性 contamination, aggressive, sexual impulse. time-consuming ritual. ego-dystonic(無用であることはわかっている)

治療=SSRI, 認知行動療法 (Exposure and response prevention therapy等)

Hoarding disorder貯蔵障害don’t discard anythingTx=cognitive behavioral therapy

Trichotillmania抜毛癖;OCD related

Body dysmorphic disorder 

体重以外の小さな容姿上の特徴に対するこだわり。first step=acknowledge the patient’s distress

normal stress response;no impairment of social and occupational functioning

急性ストレス障害 Acute stress disorder



1 month after event(last more than 1m), amnesia, nightmare, sleep disorder, irritability risk of suicide, Tx=support group and adjunctive SSRI or SNRI

適応障害 Adjustment disorder


Relative attachment disorder, Disinhibited social engagement

詐病 Malingering


虚偽性精神障害 Factitious disorder


Factitious disorder imposed on another;typically, in a child by a parent. can be a child abuse.

Factitious thyrotoxicosis; use of exogenous thyroid hormone, pt don’t seek attention,

Somatic symptom disorder

過剰な疾患に対する思い込み、継続的な心配、説明不能な症状が1つ以上> 6 months

治療=定期的な同一クリニックでのフォローアップによる医師患者関係の確立。不必要な検査・コンサルトは避ける。cognitive behavior therapy SSRI

illness anxiety disorder


Conversion disorder


Conduct disorder;steal something for personal gain, <18y, Tx=family therapy

Oppositional defiant disorder反抗的行為障害;argues with adults, blames others, easily annoyed. Tx: Family therapy, parent management training, psychotherapy

intermittent explosive disorderquickly escalate to impulsive aggressive behavior. need BCT, SSRI

Disruptive mood regulation disorderdiagnosed by age 10. persistent irritability or anger.

Shoplifter万引き; plan to steal for personal gain

Kleptomania窃盗癖;impulse control disorder. steal somethingof low value

pyromania放火癖;no obvious purpose

Gambling disorder; SSRI, opioid antagonist (naltrexone)

解離性障害 Dissociative disorders

Dissociative identity disorder

At least 2 distinct personalities. associated with child abuse, hear voice from insidehead not from outside like schizophrenia. marked discontinuity in identity, Tx=hypnosis and drug-assisted interview to recover repressed memories of disturbing emotional experience

dissociative amnesia

inability to recallimportant autographical information

dissociative amnesia with fugue

sudden wandering from home after a stressful life event.


depersonalization or derealization, intact reality testing


 more than 20% of ideal weight. genetic factor>eating habit, bariatric surgery and comercial diet program is limiting in long-term weight loss, Tx=sensible dieting and exercise is the most effective. orlistat (pancreatic lipase inhibitor to inhibit breakdown of lipid), phetermine (decrease appetite), lorcaserin (selective 5HT agonist to feel satisfy)

Anorexia nervosa

restrictive type and binge-eating purging type(misuse of diuretics or laxatives)hospitalization (electrolyte, very low weight, dehydration, vital, cardiac), cognitive behavior therapy, dorsum of the hands (Russel sign), BMI<17

Bulimia Nervosa

過食はあるが、代償行為によって体重はコントロールされている。 (Russel sign, parotid glands swelling), 治療=CBT, high-dose SSRI (fluoxetine)

Binge eating disorder


premenstrual syndrome; cyclic syndrome, Tx=SSRI in luteal periods

pseudocyesis想像妊娠a form of somatization. amenorrhea, morning sickness, abdominal distention, breast enlargement

妄想性障害 Delusional disorder

1か月以上、固定された明確な妄想(誤った信念)を持っているが、他には精神症状を認めない。妄想以外には社会的に機能している。erotomanic type 治療は抗精神病薬および認知行動療法

人格障害 Personality disorders

pt are not aware to disorders, and don not seek psychiatric help

Cluster A, Odds/Eccentric 

妄想 Paranoid


スキゾイド Schizoid

prefer to be alone, lack of desire

精神病型 Schizotypal

odd thinkingor perception of subthresholdfor diagnosing schizophrenia, no delusion

Cluster B, Dramatic/Erratic 

Antisocial personality disorder

lack of remorse自責, begin from childhood to adult must be >18

境界型人格障害 Borderline personality


治療= 心理療法、とくに対話行動療法が効果的とされる。SSRI is not effective.psychotherapy (dialectical therapy), adjunctive pharma for mood and psychosis, childhood traumais the risk factor. chronic feeling emptiness

劇場型,ヒステリー性 Histrionic



need for admiration, lack of empathy

Cluster C, Anxious/Fearful 


avoidance due tofear of criticism or rejection, but want to have relationship


 excessive dependency, clingy, 

強迫性パーソナリティ障害 Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder 

ego-syntonic(pt want to do), orderliness, perfectionism 


Unspecified PD

PD not included in the three clusters

Passive-aggressive; procrastinates and is inefficient. outwardly agreeable but inwardly angry

Other specified PD

several PDs are present, but none reach to criteria

Personality change due to medical condition;

統合失調症 Schizophrenia




治療=1st or 2nd anti psycho, 服薬状況が悪い場合はlong-acting injectable antipsychotic drugを用いる。

治療抵抗性の場合 (2 failures) もしくは遅発性ジスキネジー tardive dyskinesia(hypersensitivity of D receptorの場合はClozapineを用いる(無顆粒球症の合併に注意)


より良い予後のためにはfamily therapyとpsycho educationが必要。



陰性症状に対してはSocial Skills trainingが有効。

CT所見=lateral ventricular enlargement,amygdala小脳扁桃, hippocampus decrease, lack of negative symptom is better progrnosis


統合失調症様障害 Schizophreniform disorder


統合失調感情障害 Schizoaffective disorder


Major depressive disorder with psychotic features


Brief psychotic disorder

<1month, psychotic symptom is not associated with manic episode.

Psychotic syndrome caused by systematic disease

must be causal link

SLE etc; acute onset of psychosis in child or adolescent is rare.

せん妄 Delirium 


Neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition; slowdevelop, risk in alcohol user. normal EEG



マタニティブルー Postpartum blues


治療=reassuranceand monitoring (call everyday)

産後うつ Postpartum depression

産後2週間以上に渡って症状が継続する。多くの場合、4−6週以内に発症し、1年に渡ることもある。incidence=5-10%,  functional impairment.

治療=SSRI (母乳移行のほぼ無い、パロキセチン、セルトラリン), psychotherapy

Postpartum psychosis

incidence=0.1-0.2%, emergency status. psychotic symptom. antipsycho drug. Tx=require hospitalizationb/o infanticide risk

*Risk of depression is greater after labor than during pregnancy

Grief reaction



Awake; Beta (concentration), Alpha (relax)

Stage1;5%, Theta, body movement

Stage2; 45%, sleep spindle, K-complex, Bruxism (Tooth grinding)

Stage3/4; 25% (decrease with age), delta (slow-wave sleep), 最も深い睡眠状態であり、睡眠歩行や夜驚症が起こる

REM;25% (decrease with age), sawtooth, beta, alpha and theta. 夢を見ている, no movement, genital erection

睡眠時異常行動症 non-REM sleep arousal disorders


  • Sleep terror disorder 夜驚症:夢の内容を覚えていない
  • Sleep waliking 睡眠歩行:覚醒せずに歩行

レム睡眠行動障害 REM sleep behavior disorder


  • Nightmare disorder:特にREM睡眠が長くなる最後の3分の1の睡眠に多い。夢の内容を覚えている

ナルコレプシー Narcolepsy

20代後半の発症が多い。頻回に入眠発作が生じる。髄液中の低いhypocretin-1=orexin-A。入眠時の幻覚hypnagogic hallucination, sleep paralysis, decreased REM latency(15分以内), 昼間の眠気、cataplexy (突然の両側性の脱力発作、もしくは感情とは無関係な異常な自発的な顔面運動),


poor sleep hygiene

nicotine, alcohol, nap, heavy evening meals, 



睡眠時無呼吸 Sleep apnea

central=progesterone drug can increase RR.

nocturnal myoclonus; muscular contraction in the night

Sleep drunkenness;cannot fully awake until hours after wake up after full night sleep.

大うつ病 Major depressive disorder

SIGECAPS >5 items>2 weeks

F>M, if one of SWAG (suicidability, weight loss, anhedonia=loss of pleasure, guilt), likely depressed. 50% of patients are masked. only 25% of pt seek and receive treatment.

Sleep, Interest, Guilty, Energy, Concentration, Appetite, Psychomotor, Suicide, (more somatic symptom in elderly pt), if applicable, should be treated with antidepressant,hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyperactivityand increased cortisol level

治療=心理療法 (対人心理療法 interpersonal or CBT)と薬物治療の併用が最も効果的。, first line antidepressant=SSRI(fluoxetine, Sertralineジェイゾロフト) or SNRI (venlafaxine) まずは6週間のTrial治療を行い薬剤の変更を検討する。  if not effective for >6m therapy, change to other type drugs, 一回のエピソードのみであれば、初回6か月の治療を行い、減量していく。再発、重篤なケースは1−3年間継続する。


electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for drug resistance depression, refusal to eat and drink, psychotic. risk of ante and retro amnesia

pediatric depression;irritablerather than depression, SSRI is effective. for adolescent, small risk of suicide for antidepressant use.

Depression with seasonal pattern (DSP);drug with bright light therapy

Persistent depressive disorder(dysthymia気分変調);F>>M, chronic >2y(1y in child), depression, low self-esteem

post stroke depression; antidepressant and/or psychotherapy is effective.

Major depressive disorder with atypical features;mood reactivity, leaden paralysis (heavy arms and legs), rejection sensitivity, increased sleep and apptetite. Tx=MAOi is effective 

双極性障害 Bipolar disorder

躁症状に対してはLithium or valporate を用いる。

重度の躁症状に対しては上記加え、第二世代抗精神病薬 (quetiapine等)を加える。

maintainace Tx= Lithium or calproate or Lamotrigine(anticonvulsive, risk of drug rash/SjS, but no risk of fetal abnormality), + 2nd anitipsycho

Bipolar I;Manic episode (with social activities impairment) >1week,±depressive episode (only manic episode is sufficient to diagnose,)

Tx= for depressive episode, antidepressant monotherapy is contra b/o risk of mania. use 2nd antiPsycho + Lamotrigine(or lithium, valproate(for CKD pt)) It’s lifelong disease so in severe case, long-term maintenance therapy is required


Bipolar II;hypomanic 軽躁episode (>4d) ±depressive episode

Cyclothymic disorder気分循環性;>2 years (1y in child) of fluctuating, mild hypomanic and depressive symptom. nonepisodic, chronic, rarely associated with psychosis or suicide


